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  • Over 25.000 sites
  • Free downloads
  • Third party file hosting

Welcome to the world of free porn…, a place where you do not have to pay a single penny, but you can expect to see loads of crazy sex videos, from the young 18-year-old trannies to 3D chicks blowing loads of dudes. This site describes itself as the number 1 site rip community on the Internet, and with so many downloaded and archived content for you to enjoy and download, how can we argue?

Before getting into the details of how you actually download any of the given videos, let’s look a bit more into the site itself. The homepage will show you all kinds of offers that you can enjoy, and just like we said, there a ton of different sites to choose from. It really does not matter what niche falls under your preferred category because here, you simply have it all.

On the left, you will have a list of over 25.000 siterips you can choose from, which is, well, quite a lot. After you click on any of the given suggested sites, you will have a link to the original website, a small description that tells you what you can expect to see, and, of course, the number of videos it offers. You can also choose if you want to download all of the screenshots in a .rar, and all of the videos in .wmv, .mp4, .mov… depending on which site the videos are from. To actually download any of the content you will have to use a file hosting service, that is called NitroFlare.

Just like the ‘Videos’ tab, that shows only the sites that definitely have clips, the ‘Pictures’ section shows only the sites that have pictures. There is even a ‘Pornstar’ section, for all of us who like to know more about the perky chicks we like to watch. Here, you have a small bio of your favorite chick, and below that, you have an option to download everything that she was featured in (that Site-Rip has).

On the right side, you have the small search box that will help you find the site you are looking for. Below that, you will have a list of their friends, and a list of Site-rip’s ‘Best Sites’, together with a list of categories, 500+ pornstars, and pics siterips.

You will also see a lot of ‘premium account’ offers that you might want to check out. You can either click on any of the premium teaser buttons shown or the one in the menu. After that, you will be presented with four different membership offers:

1) 30-days membership of $12.95

2) 90-days membership of $32.95

3) 356-days membership of $89.95

4) Life Time membership of $129.95

Even without a premium membership, you still have an option to download videos and pictures, but your downloads will be limited, not to mention that you have to wait 120 seconds before every download, including a small timeout after. With that said, the Lifetime membership sounds quite tempting, doesn’t it? So, create an account or don’t, that is purely up to you, but all I am going to say is that is here to give you all of their pirated porn, for free.

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