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Official Score8.3
  • Video Quality
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  • Free Indian clips
  • 58k+ free videos
  • Upload your own content
  • Many ads and pop-ups
  • Pagination is not finished
  • Low to medium quality videos

One great thing about sites like is that it only offers one ethnicity in loads of different categories, which makes your search a lot easier. Anyone who has a thing for beautiful amateur Indian chicks is bound to have fun on this erotic site!

Similarly to a bunch of other sites, the homepage is here just to tease you, as it will display only the bits and pieces of the actual content you can expect to see. Everything that will help you navigate your way through this site is on the top or in the side menu.

If you like to scroll through random videos without knowing the category, then you can just list the videos as they are. There are over 58k videos you can browse through, but what I did realize is that the pagination of the site is a bit different. It is placed in the middle of the site, and for some reason, you can always browse every other page, instead of every next one.

The ones who came here searching for a certain category to enjoy, you have a list of all of the categories on the left side of the site. Currently, there are 40+ categories you can choose from, and you can even view the category page with thumbnails. These categories can be really straightforward, or very random; for example, you have the usual anal, big tits, big cock categories that are very straightforward, and then you have cartoon, village, that are not seen that often on such sites, and a lot of them have Indian names, as well.

Most of the videos that you can enjoy on these sites are actual homemade videos filmed by amateurs, but if you dig a bit deeper you might find some more professional pornos as well. After clicking on any of the clips, you can see some of the details like a description, categories and tags, and the like/dislike ratio. The quality of the videos can vary from low to medium, but that is expected when they are amateur porn clips.

If you would like to leave a comment or become a member of their community, you will have to make your free account. There is also an option to log in using some of your other accounts, for example, from Facebook, Twitter, Google… Once you are a member you can also subscribe to a certain category and receive the notification for updates, and you have an ability to upload your own dirty content.

This is a very simple website, and there is not much I can add. If you like the Indian beauties, then you will definitely enjoy watching these clips. There are so many categories to choose from, that you will find the perfect one for yourself. Ignoring some of the flashy ads, and pop-ups, is a great website for everyone who appreciates the erotic Indian beauties who just love to slam in homemade videos!

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