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Incredibly naughty and sexy pictures, of random hot girls, are exactly what you can expect to see on Well, if that first line did not get you interested enough, the rest of the BestPornMenu’s review might, since we go into the juicy details that are bound to catch your attention.
This site has quite an interesting name, and it is made to lure you in by searching the Internet for thousands of hot places you can visit. Simply put, does not beat around the bush, it delivers exactly what you would expect and on top of that, it is a free link site as well!
As soon as you visit the site, you will want to click on at least five of the given links, because they are just so tempting. From Iggy Azalea’s allegedly leaked sex tape to hot cheerleaders showing off their breasts at school, who knows what you can find here.
DonkParty has a nice blackish design that is very easy on the eyes, and only four sections that you need to know about, home, videos, galleries and cam girls. So, let’s start from the first one, the homepage. Well, there is not much we can say here, except the fact that you will have some of the suggested links listed. Every link will have a title that is going to get you hooked, the date it was posted, and the views it has. After clicking on the link, you will be redirected to the site where that link is originally from.
The ‘Videos’ section is self-explanatory. Just like with the homepage, you will have a bunch of links listed. However, while on the homepage you have pictures and videos meshed together, here you only have a list of the video links. You can find all kinds of naughty deeds from a clip titled “She is amazed at her boyfriend’s alien dick” to just a solo session of a babe teasing you… not to mention that you have over 1k video links to choose from.
The gallery section, on the other hand, is a bit smaller. While the site says that there are five pages of galleries to be listed, only 2 pages actually work, which makes that around 30 galleries you can actually choose from. In my perspective, what they lack in the gallery department, they definitely make up for with their incredible video selection. Nonetheless, every gallery has 16 pictures that can be viewed in slideshows, but they can’t be downloaded.
The last tab that we mentioned was, of course, the ‘Cam Girls’. Seems like today, every site offers a link to a random cam site that you can enjoy, but just like on many other sites, this link does not seem to work. The site will open, but whatever you click on, it will just take you to a random blank page. But, since DonkParty is not known to be a cam site, this is not really that big of a deal!
On top, you also have the useful search box that helps you find anything that you might want to see. So, if you exclude their lack of galleries and the cam website, DonkParty is quite a great porn link site, and it will definitely please your dirty wishes.