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Besides their interesting blog posts, AdultBay also features a ton of good quality porn videos. Since the site is quite easy to use, you can simply relax and enjoy browsing their huge porn collection that dates back to February 2008. To make it even easier than it already is, I shall go over some of the important details that you need to know.
The site has a very pinkish design that makes it seem a bit odd since porn websites are usually more prone to be made in a glamorous black design instead. On top, just like with many other websites, you will have your usual menu that will help you navigate through with ease with four options, home, clips, magazines, and movies.
On the left side of their homepage, you can view the pornstars they feature, together with a list of their archives displayed by date and a ‘Log in’ button with which you can log in to your existing profile through WordPress.
Even if the ‘Pornstars’ option seems quite fun since we can see all of the girls that are featured here, once you open the page you might be a bit confused. You will see a huge messy list of all of the pornstars’ names written down, and the only way you can actually find if your pornstar is on this list is if you use the Ctrl + F option. If you do find your babe, you can click on her name and view everything that she has been featured in. The similar applies to the archives since after you click on any of the presented links, for example, the ‘January 2017’, you will see everything that was uploaded in that month.
After clicking on the archives or pornstars, just like it was said, you will see a list of their work or updated content of that month, but besides that, you will have some other details as well. With the pornstars, you will usually see her picture, and every video featured will have the names of the actors, a small description that tells you what is happening, and you can also read the comments of other users. When you click on the ‘Read more’ below the post, you will be redirected to a page that allows you to download that file to your PC, and the same thing applies for the archives as well.
If you already have in mind what you want to see (what category), and you do not want to waste your time browsing through, you have a list of categories on the right side, together with the most popular tags. You will also have an option to write anything you would want to watch in a search box above, and choose in which category that should be listed.
While the ‘Clips’ tab will list all of the videos you can find on this site, which is over 2.900 pages of approximately 15 different clips on each page, the ‘Magazines’ tab will give you some of the juicy bits for anyone who still enjoys reading about erotic babes (there are over 46 magazines you can read).
There is also a special ‘Movies’ section, that obviously, only lists the porn movies you can watch. You have the same details listed just like for the clips and pornstars, and there are over 18.000 different movies that you can enjoy. With such a huge collection of movies, clips, and magazines, AdultBay will surely get you hooked to at least one of their arousing sections or offers.