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1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (16 votes, average: 3.44 out of 5)
Official Score8.5
  • Video Quality
  • content
  • design


  • Fast loading
  • HD images
  • No advanced search options
  • Old design

If you prefer browsing erotic pictures instead of watching videos, and you want a site that is all about the galleries, then you should give a try. This is a site filled with incredible pictures of horny and innocent cuties, and for everyone who loves these types of websites, the BestPornMenu made a review.

When you first open the homepage of, you’ll notice how plain their design is. However, they do not need a good design with the amount of pictures they offer. You will be presented with all of the pictures that can be found on this site, right from the start. There are over 293.000 galleries with 5mil+ pictures, that amounts to about  1870.80+ GB.

You can view the galleries by listing them differently, by their quality, ratings, tags or none. With so many galleries at your service, once you start browsing, you will not be able to stop yourself.  The kind of pictures you can find here really vary depending on which beauty you want to see. They can go from an innocent blonde chick posing in a solo session with her dildo, to a busty milf who is happily choking on a raging boner.

While I really liked this site when talking about the content it offers, I did realize that it is lacking search options. Usually, you would be able to search for pictures by their categories or tags, but here it is a bit different. Except for the above-mentioned ways of listing the galleries, you can search for them by typing in the search box on the top right, or you can click on the tags. The problem with this is, that you will not be shown a list of tags you can choose from, but rather just a list of galleries with the most tags. On top of that, anyone can add tags.

The site does not require a membership and it is 100% free. Without a membership, you can see and view all of the galleries and pictures. Every gallery will show its content in a list form (you can switch it to thumbnail), where you can view them just by clicking on the pictures. On the bottom of every gallery, there will be small details, such as the ratings (you can rate without a membership), tags and a list of similar galleries.

One thing to keep in mind is that all of these pictures are high-quality erotic images, and they can all be downloaded. However, the download and sharing process is a bit different. The instructions to this can be found on top of the site, beside the ‘fetch’ button.

For the ones who are not sure what they want to see, but they know they want to watch naked babes, you have the option to be redirected to a random full or thumbs gallery. You can choose to be redirected to random images, as well. There is a tab called ‘Preference’ that lets you write what you do not want to see while browsing these galleries, together with the ‘News’ tab, that lets you know what was updated on the site.

Overall, this site is not half bad for people who like scrolling through a ton of naughty nude pictures, but it does have its ups and downs. Nevertheless, I enjoyed browsing these galleries, and if you are a fan of erotic beauties posing naked for photo-shoots, then you will love

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