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Official Score9.5
  • Video Quality
  • content
  • design


  • Loads of content
  • Downloadable videos
  • Various categories
  • No .zip gallery downloads
  • Older videos low quality
  • Some ads

Founded in 2007, xHamster is a free pornographic and social networking site that allows you (as a user) to watch and submit porn videos, porn photos, and even erotic literature. With over 10 million members, it is the third most popular porn site, right after Xvideos and Pornhub. However, besides all of the user-submitted pornographic content, xHamster also gives us an amazing reality series, called The Sex Factor.

The design of xHamster is quite simple and easy to understand. There are few tabs you can choose from, such as the videos, live sex (that leads you to the live cam shows), photos, dating, stories, Sex Factor, and other.

The ‘Videos’ tab is self-explanatory, as it will provide you with examples of what you can expect to see on this site, and it is probably worth mentioning that currently there are more videos on xHamster than you could watch in a lifetime.

On the left side of the site, you will be presented with all of the categories that you can see on You even have the ability to choose if you want all of the straight, gay or transsexual categories. To make it easier for you, each category also has a small description of what you can expect to see.

After clicking on a video, you will get to see the title, the likes/dislikes from the members, the description, the name of the user who posted the clip and the download button. You can also share the video, flag or favorite it if you are a member.

While the qualities of the newer videos range from 240p to 720p, most of the older videos can only be watched in 240p. You also have an option of choosing the quality of the video while downloading it for free.

The ‘Photos’ tab is quite similar to the ‘Videos’, as it shows you examples of the galleries you can see. Here, you can also list these photos by their categories, and once you click on a certain gallery you will be able to see the title, likes, views, description, and the user.

The ‘Dating’ tab gives you exactly what you expect, to find your soulmate. Well, after choosing from the given options that describe you, the xHamster will list all of the people who are compatible with you. For the ‘Stories’ tab, it is also self-explanatory as you get to read the stories that other users posted.

One thing that I suggest you should check out is the xHamster’s ‘The Sex Factor’, which is also in the menu bar. As it was said, this is a web-based reality show that searches for the next top porn star, who will also receive a prize of 1 million dollars. It’s quite interesting to watch, especially as Asa Akira is the show’s host, with Tori Black, Lexi Belle, Keiran lee and Remy LaCroix being the mentors of participants.

The thing that makes this site stand out so much is probably the fact that it offers such a huge variety of different videos, and yet it is completely free. But, even if you do not have to subscribe to view the videos, you do have some other privileges, such as the ability to make your ‘favorites’ collection or to comment and vote on any content. You can also download clips or upload your own videos, stories, and photos, and you can even meet new friends while sharing private videos. With such a huge variety of videos to choose from, you can rest assured that xHamster will definitely fulfill all of your porn related dreams.

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