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For one of the most popular companies in the porn industry, you would expect to be quite an amazing site, and naturally, it stands up to the hype it receives. You will be able to browse a huge collection of incredible exclusive material that includes both videos and galleries that feature some of the hottest beauties in all kinds of genres.
There are over 3600 videos that you can browse through, and with the regular uploads, the amount of porn you can enjoy increases as time passes by. You will be able to find some of the most popular porn series as well as porn parodies.
Within the huge collection of videos, besides the most popular and best porn parodies that you can find, you will be able to find all kinds of movies that will definitely make you have a great time as there are many different genres they revolve around, and all kinds of models that are featured within them as well.
There are over 1400 models, most of the girls you can find are pornstars that come in all shapes and sizes which means that you will definitely find a favorite model that will rock your world. The site allows you to visit the profiles of all the models in their videos where you will be able to find out more about them.
When it comes to the quality of the videos that the website offers, it is quite amazing that even the older videos from the early 2000s look amazing. This is a very good example of how quality goes over quantity as all of the videos have the best possible resolution during their release dates. That means that all of the videos today come in full HD resolution.
As it was mentioned earlier, the uploads are quite frequent today, and you will be able to access more porn than you can possibly watch. Unlike most of the other porn sites, the photo galleries here get a frequent update as well, so if photo shoots are something you are interested in, they are a really nice bonus to look at.
Because of the number of videos that the website offers, as well as photo galleries and pornstars, you will be able to filter them in multiple ways such as using the search box or browsing through a vast number of preset tags that will help you find the kink you are looking for.
One bad thing that is related to browsing is that you can no navigate through multiple pages of results according to your desires. Instead, you are able to go through the pages one by one or jump from the first page to the last which is not really that convenient. Of course, you can type the page number that interests you in the address bar, but that is a bit of a hassle for something that can be easily fixed.
The site also has its own store section where you will be able to find all sorts of items such as DVDs andsex toys. The sex toys are the top tier toys on the market and the variety the site offers is quite impressive. You can order a bunch of different molds of vaginas and anal canals of some of the most popular pornstars on the site.
Of course, the main thing you will notice once you give this incredible site a visit is that you cannot access anything besides the free trailers as you will always be asked to make an account. Some of the features will appear as broken instead of redirecting you to the registration page which might be a bit confusing, however, once you register these issues will go away.
The current subscription plans for the membership are:
-2 Day Trial – $1.00/day
-1 Month Full Access $29.99/month
-3 Month Full Access $20.00/month
-12 Month Full Access $7.50/month
One thing that you might find disappointing about the “full access” membership is that even if you can access all of the content online, you cannot download any of the videos without purchasing the premium membership that varies in price depending on the number of videos you download.
Overall, this is a great website that offers a lot of absolutely astonishing content, however, it is a bit unfortunate that the option to download the videos has an extra paywall behind it. If you do not mind the downloading restrictions too much, then is definitely a place you should visit.