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1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (18 votes, average: 3.89 out of 5)
Official Score7.5
  • Video Quality
  • content
  • design


  • Over 4k galleries
  • Free to use and download
  • Some ads and pop-ups

On this incredibly flashy site called the, you can expect to see a ton of naughty homemade pictures of kinky amateurs, which is exactly why the BestPornMenu decided to make a review. This site might be a bit too flashy, considering their logo and the light purple background, but it surely offers what every amateur-lover can enjoy.

As you might have guessed, the front page is filled with all kinds of pictures. Unlike on some sites, you will not have to click on galleries to be able to view their pictures, because they will all already be listed right in front of you.

These images can all be viewed in the quality they were posted in (usually medium quality), and the whole gallery can be downloaded once you scroll through to the bottom of the images. There you can also see the tags that are in one way or another, connected to the images and the ratings from other members

The default download you get is the free and the slower one, but if you want to download all of these galleries fast, then you can create a premium account. There is a huge difference between downloading a gallery for free, or with your premium account; for example, for a file of 260 MB+ you have to wait about 1 hour and 30 Minutes if you want to download it for free, but if you create your premium account, your download will end in less than a minute… not to mention that you have to wait before your download starts and you also have a download restriction of 180 minutes (for the free download).

If you read the paragraph above, you already know that the premium account is definitely worth it. However, I know that what all of you are interested in are the prices, so here they are:

4.99 €  (5.99 USD) subscription that lasts 48 hours   

– 9.99 €  (10.99 USD) subscription for 1 month   

– 24.99 €  (26.99 USD) subscription for 3 months   

– 39.99 €  (42.99 USD) subscription for 6 months   

– 69.99 €  (73.99 USD) subscription of 1 year   

– 99.99 €  (105.99 USD) subscription of 2 years

As you can see, these are reasonable prices, seeing that you can download all of the galleries, and on top of that, you have the full speed download together with parallel downloads and no restrictions. The downloads are direct without any ads, and you also have unlimited storability of uploaded content, which is the next thing I wanted to talk about. This site allows you to add your content, and you do not even have to be a member for this feature.

However, to access the area that allows you to upload an image yourself, you have to click on any of the existing images on the site, and below that you will have an option to ‘Upload a Video’ or ‘Upload an Image’, but the button that is supposed to let you upload a video does not work… at least not without an account.

On the homepage, you also have an option to view the ‘High rated stuff’, which is a self-explanatory tab, and beside that, you have a tab that is labeled as ‘Most Rated Stuff’, which is basically the same tab (I mean it offers the exact same content).

When you click on the ‘Amateur Clips & Videos’ tab, you will be redirected to, which is a site offering a ton of homemade content; from the naughtiest of videos to the kinkiest of amateur pictures… you can say that it is quite similar to this site.

With all that said, how can anyone resist, right? I mean, the site has its ups and downs, but all in all, it offers great naughty images of lovely amateur babes and their horny lovers. On top of that, you can download all of its content for free without creating an account, which is why I highly recommend you give a go!

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