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Official Score8.7
  • Video Quality
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  • design


  • Free pictures
  • No account needed to favorite
  • Messy layout

Contrary to its name, is a site filled with a ton of ‘junk’ that we all like to use in different ways. Whether you will stash the files to your PC, in one way or another, or you will just use it as your naughty material, it is really up to you.

Since this site is made so simple, there is not that much we can say about it. The homepage is filled with all kinds of content, and all you need to do is to just scroll down and search for your own preferences. On top of the page, you have a button as their logo, which will just refresh their homepage for you.

The picture links on this site will be presented as images, while the videos will only have a link and a title. Below that link you will have the name of the site that that video is from and do not worry, all of the links given work and you can easily watch those free clips.

On the top right corner, you have three options to choose from. If you click on Classic UJ, you will be redirected to their index page where you will, again have a list of the content that this site features. It is basically the same page as the homepage, just that here, everything is tidied up and easy to understand. Below some of the presented pictures, you will have the links to more clips and videos that you can enjoy, together with a link to, which is a cam site.

Once you are on their index page, the site changes a bit, and you have more options. You have three different ways to list both the galleries and the videos on the site (gallery, new, top). The photo section also allows you to upload your own content.

Beside the logo, you will have three buttons, which give you an option to view all of the photos, to list the newly added content, or to favorite anything you want. This site does not require a membership to add anything to your favorites. You can simply like the picture and add it to your favorites whenever you want.

However, if you want to be a part of this community, you do have an option to create your own free account. After you click on the ‘Forum’ tab, you will be, of course, redirected to the site’s forum, where the already existing members post random topics and comment on each other’s content. The topics can be quite random, from the NSFW threads where you can post anything to ‘The Fappening’. Once you are a member, you can comment and join the discussion with other members of this society, and you can also upload your own content.

Even if the site offers a ton of amateur pictures, it gives you only a few options to list them by (when talking about the categories), such as the amateur, selfie, NSFW, BDSM, WTF, funny and your favorites. Let me just add, that every single category delivers exactly what you would expect… for example, after clicking on ‘WTF’ category, I saw a picture of a girl eating ramen from a toilet bowl, and in a way that did make me go ‘wtf’… But, does not only offer such nasty pictures, it is filled with the sexiest of girls who love to get kinky and slam!

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