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To all lovers of hotties with a huge bust, there is a perfect place called Floppy Tits. When talking about the content that this site has to offer, there is not a lot that can be said, except that while all these babes are different and sexy in their own way, they all have a pair of juicy bouncy knockers.
From the very beginning, you will be swept away by the amount of hot busty chicks you can enjoy on this site, and as it was said they are all different. That means that you will get to enjoy hot blondes, naughty brunette, or even dirty redheads, and everything in between.
But, do not get stuck on the homepage, because that is just a part of what the site actually has to offer. When you click on ‘Galleries’ you will get to see all the pictures that has to offer.
The only annoying thing in the ‘Galleries’ is that when you click on a gallery you want to view, it will take some time to load it, and it will automatically open it in a new tab.
However, the gallery is definitely worth the wait when you see the kinky content that it offers. Every gallery will have a certain number of pictures for you to view, and if you want to view the pictures in HD, you can, but the site loading time is again, slow.
When you click on ‘Videos’ tab, you will be redirected to, which is a great site that also offers a bunch of hotties with a pair of huge tatas, but here you do not only have images; you get to enjoy a ton of kinky clips!
As you might have guessed, does have a bunch of membership offers, because viewing such goddesses is not free. The payment process is simple, discrete and secure, so if you prefer videos over galleries, visit this site instead.
Once you enter the ‘TGP Tits’ tab, you will again be presented with a number of beautiful girls with huge melons. All of the beauties here do share that one attribute, but the difference is that they are not from this site and all their images are taken up close!
As you might have already guessed, Floppy Tits offers a section with live cam girls who, also, all have a huge pair for you to enjoy watching while they get kinky and fulfill your dirtiest wishes. The live cams are a part of the site, and they are casted from other live cam websites, but you still get to enjoy all the privileges.
This site also has a special segment that resembles a forum and where you will get to see all the latest updates. Basically, it is a “feed” or a “wall”, where all the galleries that are being posted on the site are immediately linked.
One thing that Floppy Tits lacks is that there is no ‘Categories’ tab, so the only search options you have is the search box. Other than that, and the site being very slow and annoying from time to time, is one of the best places for all big tits lovers!