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When it comes to porn, a lot of people never even consider to check out the porn forums, and that is simply because they are not informed about their existence, or they are discouraged to visit them because they think that the forums are outdated and not fun at all.
However, once you dive into the world of porn forums, you will constantly check out if there is something new on them, and it will become an addiction that you just won’t be able to lay off of because of the amount of content you can find on the porn forums.
What a porn forum hides
Believe it or not, on porn forums, you will be able to find anything that your naughty mind desires, and when we say anything, we literarily mean anything that related to porn, especially on some of the bigger porn forum communities.
Of course, one of the most common things that you are going to find on these forums are all sorts of porn videos. Some of them could be free direct links while the other ones could be teasers to paid porn sites that you might find interest in, but porn videos are not the only thing that you will be able to find.
You will also be able to find many a lot of porn pictures, porn games, or like it was mentioned earlier, anything related to porn that people find interesting enough to share with the other members of the forum. In general, if there is something new that is trending in the porn industry, the forums are the first place where you will hear about it.
Special Forum Shrines
One of the most popular things that you will be able to find on porn forums are the shrine sections that are dedicated to a specific type of fetish, celebrity or something else. These forums are usually incredibly filled out with content dedicated to that one thing, so if you are looking for a lot of something specific, it is a way better idea to look for it on the forums than to search for it on various porn streaming websites.
The shrine sections are especially amazing when it comes to celebrities as you will find all sorts of leaked images, videos or any information related to the incidents where your favorite celebrities were exposed, and the best part of it is that the information is going to be free.
Porn Related Stories
While the previously mentioned topics are ones that you can find on other porn websites, the porn forums have one thing that no other place has, and that is a porn story section. In this section, you will be able to find an incredible number of posts that contain various sex stories.
Some of the stories might be based on real events while some of them are pure fiction. At first, you might be repelled by the idea of “reading porn”, but once you read a good sex story for the first time you will just keep browsing the top-rated posts until you read them all.
Porn Forums to Lookout For
Since there are surprisingly a lot of porn forums, it is a good idea to check out the best porn sites with forums first because you might get discouraged to give them another try if you happen to visit one that does not have a good and big community because the community is the thing that makes the forum good due to the number of new posts that come in.
If you are looking for a place where you can easily browse through your favorite categories, discuss a various topic with other members, ask for suggestions and more, then this porn forum is definitely a good place to start with.
You don’t have to register for an account to use it, and if you do want to register, you can do it for free anytime you want. There are a lot of default tags that you can search for which makes the chances of you finding the forum section of your favorite kink quite high.
The community on this forum is absolutely fantastic as there are a lot of new posts every day, there is always something new to check out, and if something is outdated it will not get removed so you can still check it out if you browse deep enough.
Unlike on the previously mentioned porn forum, on this one, you will have to register if you want to access everything that the website offers. Don’t worry, the registration is free, and it will only take a minute or two for you to become a part of the fantastic community that this website offers.
While it offers similar topics to the previously mentioned forum, you will find a couple of sections that you couldn’t find there. Here, you will be able to find forums such as “Adult Humor” where you can find funny porn moments, jokes and stories and more.
If you checked out PlanetSuzy, you will notice that these two forums have a very similar them. However, one big difference is that you do not have to register here in order to browse all of the naughty goodies. Just like with the other two forums, you will find some familiar topics such as various fetishes filtered into different sub-forums, but there are some unique ones as well.
The ones that we found the most interesting are the password forums where people will usually share a couple of premium accounts for various paid porn sites so everyone can enjoy that glorious content for free. Here, you will also be able to find a section related to porn magazines, which is a very interesting section that you should check out.
Porn Forums, Are They Worth It?
Is it actually worth it to take your time and browse the forums in order to find new porn that you can enjoy instead of browsing random porn sites that stream videos online? Yes, it absolutely is, and even if it does not seem like that at first, once you give it a try, you will certainly understand just how great these porn forums are.