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Every time you come back to, you will find that something has changed and something has improved. This is because this site cares about the experience of their users, which is why the BestPornMenu decided to share everything with you.
Established in 2013, introduces itself from the very beginning as a site with the highest number of videos for you to enjoy. However, if that is true or not is not something that I can answer and be 100% sure, but one thing’s for certain, there are tons of videos for you to check out.
The site does look nice at first glance, but there is a pagination problem that can be annoying for some of you. Since there are over 700 pages, the listing is troublesome because you are unable to skip to pages as you wish.
On the homepage of the website, you will be introduced to many different DVDs and scenes that are, obviously, on the site. Without a membership, you will only be able to view some bits and pieces like small thumbs of the screen, but if you want something a bit naughtier, then you will have to create an account.
The memberships are quite straightforward, and you get to choose between:
– 2-day trial membership of $1.00
– 30-day’s membership of $29.95
– 90-day’s membership of $59.95
– 180-day’s membership of $99.95
The most popular is the 30-day’s membership, but if you ask me, the best deal is the 180-days access, since you get a 45% discount. This all depends on how much do you plan to spend on this site, since if you are not that familiar with what the site has to offer, maybe you should purchase the trial first.
Now, what everyone is probably dying to know is what exactly you can expect, and what can we tell you about the videos. Well, there are over 20k DVDs that you can watch and they are approximately 120 minutes each.
You can watch the clips in mp4, WMV, and avi. As a member, you will also be allowed to download any of the clips you want, and if you want to watch 1080p clips, you should choose the option to download the clips in mp4
You will be able to search for the clips and filter them by the genre you prefer to watch, which will be presented on the sidebar. On top of that, you do have an advanced search, but that does not do much since it only allows you to search by your preferred babe or studio.
Of course, besides that, you will have a search box that you can use freely, and you can also list your content by categories. This is something that every site will offer today.
Every DVD on this site will have a small description of what you will be able to see, the pornstars who are starring in the movie and so on. A weird thing about is that this site does not offer any images. This is quite a bummer, especially since today, almost all the paysites have this option.
However, you can probably let that slide, since this is a site that offers only DVDs, so it is kind of understandable. On top of that, with over 110k different scenes, who cares if they offer galleries, right?
As it was mentioned, you can download all the scenes on this site, but keep on mind that this site was formed in 2003, which means that you can run into videos that are not that good in quality. Lucky for us, they offer an option to list only the HD movies.
In addition, you can rest assured that you will never run out of new content because this site keeps updating their scenes daily, but this does not mean that the content is always new. Sometimes they release a video that has been filmed many years ago, so do not always expect top-notch content.
You can also enjoy this site from your phone if you are not on your PC or you do not have one. The payment is discreet, of course, and you have over 16k pornstars at your service.
The scenes in the DVDs can vary quite a bit but you are probably already aware of this if you prefer to watch movies instead of scenes. You have the usual movies such as threesomes, lesbian lovemaking, cheating, to the more bizarre ones with hardcore pleasures. This again depends on what you want to see.
With what was already said, you should be able to guess that the content is not exclusive, but with so many different DVDs and unlimited downloads, this site is quite a catch. With the membership, you will also get access to!
So simply put, if you can do not mind the pagination issue, no galleries and that the content is not exclusive, this is a great site for you. There are so many clips on that even if they stopped uploading (which they did not), you could still not run out of good content to watch.