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From the very beginning, you will see that is trying to make their users create a free account, which is not at all a bad idea. Everyone knows that by registering to a website you will have more options than by just browsing as a guest and seeing that the registration is free, why not?
So, is a forum site where people can discuss their dirtiest fantasies. No matter what you might be into, there is a high chance that you will meet somebody else who shares the same fetish as you.
Once you have registered, you will be able to browse all the discussions on this site and even create your own. It does not matter if you want to talk about your fetish, problem or you want to learn something new or meet new people.
The design of the site is fairly simple, plain and dated, but that should not matter that much if what you are searching for is the good content within. The site functions the same as any other forum sites, so there is not much that can be said about it
You can search for topics that were already created by the search box, and that is about it. You do not get that many search options, especially if you are not logged in.
Other than what was mentioned, you can also check out the Calendar, where you will have a schedule of posts and birthdays posted, and you also have the FAQ page that will surely be useful. does not stand out that much from other websites, but it does offer the usual forum options and has a great community.