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If you like to browse porn forums and learn different things, then maybe you should check out This site is filled with juicy clips of naughty amateur ladies who love to fuck, which means that you do not only get a forum to browse!
All the hotties here love to get banged, and they are also all amateur wives or girlfriends. On the homepage, you will get to list a number of different clips that will surely make you hard. Most of these videos are in HD and there are some that are private.
The private clips can only be viewed if you become friends with the user who posted the clip, which also requires you to create an account. The registration is free, and you will get an option to subscribe to other users, add videos to favorites, create playlists and add friends. You will also get an opportunity to upload your own videos!
However, you do not have to make an account, as there are many free clips that you can watch. If you still want those private ones, there is no other option.
Now, for the forum part, you will have to click on the ‘Forum’ tab, obviously. You will then be taken to, where you have a number of different topics that you can talk about with other users. It takes a bit longer to load the page, but when it does, you will get to see all the posts.
Here, people post their problems, galleries, videos, opinions and so on, so if you also have something you want to share, you should create a thread too. Before you post or comment on anything, you should make sure to read the rules and follow them if you do not want to be banned.
When it comes to content, this site has a lot to offer, not just a forum; there are many clips, galleries and you can chat with other people and watch their clips if you want. This is why, if you like amateur sex, you should just visit and its forum page.