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As the name of the site will give it all away, is a website filled with kinky pleasures of submission, domination and humiliation. With this said, you should already know if this site is meant for somebody like you!
The site has a black background, as one would expect it to, and a bunch of suggested videos at the home page. Here you will get to see both the suggested clips for female and male domination videos. Simply put, there is a little bit of something for all of your nasty wishes.
Most of the videos can be watched for free, and the quality usually varies. On the right side, you get to see the person who posted the video, and if you become a user yourself, you get to favorite and share the clip yourself.
At the beginning, you will get the options of listing the videos in a certain order, and you also have a tab beside it that will list all the possible categories. Currently, there are over 65 different categories, including rare tags like vintage, and the well-known pov, smothering or tranny sections.
In addition, you can also check out the pornstars tab and see if your favorite porn actress is also a part of this site! For those who prefer to become a premium member, you have an option to register as well. With the premium offer you get:
– Pay-per minute movies
– Downloadable content
– No membership fees
– Streaming movie rentals
However, the premium membership is not free, you have to pay:
– $76.45/Month – (first month $84.95) for 1000 Minutes
– $44.95/Month – (first month $49.95) for 500 Minutes
– $26.95/Month – (first month $29.95) for 300 Minutes
– $17.95/Month – (first month $19.95) for 200 Minutes
– $10.75/Month – (first month $11.95) for 100 Minutes
– $8.05/Month – (first month $8.95) for 60 Minutes
– $5.35/Month – (first month $5.95) for 30 Minutes
– $3.50/Month – (first month $3.95) for 15 Minutes
You can also create a normal account, without the extra privileges. There is even a section for live dominant babes and a tab “Slave hookup” which is quite self-explanatory. So, if you want to watch submission acts, you will surely love your stay at