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There is a reason why is one of the favorites amongst BDSM lovers, and as soon as you visit this website, you will understand everything. With its black design and red highlights, you will easily find the video and category that makes your privates rise.
This is not a site that should be taken lightly, as it gets right down to business. At the beginning, you will be able to choose the types of videos you want to watch, and there is a huge amount of suggestions. From the HQ pain videos where you can watch amputee girls get their pussies ravished to the Sadism pictures. No matter what you choose to click on, will definitely deliver.
Keep in mind that this site is not meant for the ones who love softcore porn because it is filled with a huge amount of hardcore torture and pain videos. However, what I did realize is that none of the videos actually play, they will just send you to other nasty websites that are quite similar to this one.
There are over 3500 hardcore videos, and you can list them by the basic 7 categories. But, you also have an option to list them by their tags, and once you open the ‘tags’ tab, you will be presented with over 900 different naughty options; which also include the names of the pornstars.
This site does promote, which is another BDSM hardcore fetish community, filled with the dirtiest porn videos. Overall, is not a bad website if you want to browse around and see different options, however, these videos are just links that will send you to other better BDSM porn websites.