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If you happen to be Italian, chances are that you have already heard of This is a website where you will find a lot of free amateur porn of mostly Italian origin, however, you will also find some videos from other countries as well.
The website design is quite simple, and everything you are looking for can be found on the homepage. You have your standard new videos, top videos and suggested videos, and you also have a couple of buttons that will help you navigate through the site which are categories, real encounters, and video chat.
The categories button will lead you to the actual part of the website, and you will be able to see all the categories that the videos can be filtered by. However, the real encounters and the video chat buttons are going to take you to two completely different sites instead.
As you click any of these buttons, or anywhere on any page on this porn site, you will get annoyed by at least one popup, a lot more if you do not have a plugin to block ads. Even without clicking anywhere, there is always going to be an ad at the bottom of your window.
Because the site is coded very poorly, you will notice that the load times of any page or videos as well can take a while compared to other websites, which might ruin your browsing experience. The video player that the website uses is also quite buggy and slow, and you can not change the video quality.
Overall, if you do not speak Italian, you will have a hard time finding something on the website because even if you can translate the page, all of the keywords that the site registers are only Italian words. However, if you are just looking for random free porn, is a good site for you.