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Heavy R

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (52 votes, average: 3.54 out of 5)
Official Score7.3
  • Video Quality
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  • Free website
  • Upload our videos
  • Interesting categories
  • Some ads
  • Low quality clips

Today, there are many sites that offer a variety of porn clips, and one of the better ones is called Here, you will get to view all kinds of naughty clips and images for free, and you can even become a member of the site.

On the left side of the site, after clicking on ‘Browse Videos’ tab, you will get to see some of the tags that this site has to offer. There are not many of them, but they do cover the most important ones, like anal, amateur, lesbian, milf…etc. However, if you want to see all of the categories, you can do so by clicking on the ‘Categories’ tab, where you will have a list of over 64 different tags.

These categories are quite thural, as they cover everything from the usual anal fucking, amateur, blowjob, big tits… to the more bizarre ones like anorexic,  vomit, wasted...etc. So, no matter what your preference might be, the chances are this site will surely satisfy your needs.

When you click on a video, you will get to see the name of the uploader, the tags of the video, ratings and a small description. Below that, you have an option to leave a comment, add to favorites or download the clip, but for that, you will have to create your free account.

Since knows that not everyone enjoys watching porn, there is a special section for hot erotic pictures as well. However, the tab ‘Porn pics’ will take you to a site called, where you will be presented with loads of kinky images of slutty hotties. Besides that tab, you have the ‘Live sex’ section as well, which is also a link that will take you to a great free webcam site, called the

As you all might have already noticed, there is also a tab ‘upload’, which will obviously allow its members to upload their own videos to this website. is a free site filled with mostly amateur porn clips that are low-quality, and some medium-quality professional videos.

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