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It is always good to have a forum site that you can visit and where you can resolve all your site issues or porn questions, which is why the BestPornMenu suggests you visit Just like other forum sites, there are many similarities, but most of these topics revolve around the porn industry.
The reason why forum sites are great is simply because they can help you in many different ways. For example, let’s say that you have a fetish that you do not really want to share with anyone and you can’t find a site that offers satisfying clips.
Well, you can simply post a topic on a forum and ask your fellow users to help you; and if you want, you can post everything anonymously, even though nobody really knows who you are on the internet.
If you just came here to browse, that is fine, since you have so many different topics, that you are bound to find what you are searching for.
However, for you to view all of the given topics, create your own or leave comments, you will have to become a member of this site. The registration for the forum site is free, and all you have to do is agree that you are 18 years old, or even older.
There is also the FAQ page that this site offers, where you will have all the technical questions answered if that is what you are looking for. This site also offers a special tab for clips that are posted by the users, so most of them are amateur.
There are many clips and they can all be watched on, which means that you will have to create an account on that site if you want to view any of the presented videos. This registration is not free, you have 5 different offers for a membership:
$24.95 for a 3-month membership
$29.95 for a 6-months membership
$44.95 for a 12-month membership
$119.95 for a lifetime membership that will never expire
With the lifetime membership, you will get full access to all websites that are on their network, you will not be re-billed or get extra charges and automatic renewals. The is a great site that offers both a forum page and a video page, so have fun!