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With such a large collection of amateur porn videos of all types, will never let you get bored. If you are into the hot girlfriends or kinky moms, who are caught on cameras while having sex or masturbating, then you have come to the right place, because this site covers everything. It is a mega-site with content from 10 other sites that are all focused on different age groups, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Some of those 10 websites are, Real Latina Exposed, Real Black Exposed, Real Mom Exposed, Real Emo Exposed and Real Lesbian Exposed, which as you can tell by their names, are all sites focused on different types of girls.
First of all, besides its unique name that can be understood in different ways (‘the girlfriends’ or ‘duh, girlfriends’), DaGFs looks quite different. Usually, the menu that allows you to surf the site is on top, but here it can be found on the side if you log in as a member.
On the very homepage, like on most of the porn websites, you will briefly be presented with the contents of the site. However, on, the first video you’ll get to watch is a short trailer showing you what this site is all about. Below and above that trailer, you will get to choose a section from videos, girls, categories, network, reviews or free live cams. Even without a membership, whatever you click on from these options, you will be redirected to that page.
The videos tab will take you to a page with all of their videos listed by featured and DaGFs videos. In the featured videos, you’ll get four random clips that you will be able to watch without becoming a member, but they are not full videos. Below every clip and every gallery, you’ll see a short description of 1-2 sentences, the length of the original video and the number of views the video has.
For the ‘Girls’ tab, the same method is used as for the ‘Videos’. You will only be able to view four popular models’ profiles, where some of them will have their small bio written, together with their hometown, tattoos, piercings, twitter account, ethnicity… etc. You will also be able to see the content they were featured in.
The ‘Network’ tab will show you which other 10 sites are connected with DaGFs with a small description. There is also the reviews part, where you’ll be able to read some of the reviews from known sites and the live cams link, that takes you to their live cam shows.
However, once you become a member the look of the site slightly changes. The homepage basically stays the same, showing you a part of what DaGFs has to offer, such as the featured videos or the videos that are watched right now. There are also the special offers for the members, where you can become a member of another site with a discount.
After becoming a member, you will be able to view over 3400 videos and about 2000 photo sets. The videos usually last 12+ minutes, and they can be streamed in an embedded player and downloaded in a .mp4 format. The quality can vary and can be picked between 360p and 720p. There is a bonus tab as well, where you get more videos. You can also favorite and like the clips.
The ‘Categories’ tab will show you all of the categories that you can see on DaGFs, and once you click on one of them you will be redirected to a page with the most recent medias featuring that one category. However, videos, photos, models and other, can all be viewed by different filters, such as the most recent, most viewed, longest…etc.
You could say that the content is not dated, and the updates are somewhat regular. On top of that, while the videos can be easily downloaded, some of the photo sets cannot be downloaded in .zip files. While browsing through their content, I did find a ton of great quality videos, with amazing stories and presentation, but there were also a bunch of them that were low-quality and pretty short. Another thing that should be mentioned is that the content on DaGFs is not exclusive, and while they tend to update videos regularly, the photo sets are updated from time to time.
The pricing of the site is also very nice since there is a 2-day trial of $1. Besides that, you can register for 1-month membership of $29.95, a 3-month membership of $19.99/month, or a 6-month membership of $14.99/month. There are also two payment methods, Paypal and Credit Card.
One thing that makes DaGFs really stand out is the variety of content it gives. This can be both good and bad since I did find a lot of long and HD videos, but there were also some shorter clips that were in low quality (most of them were older clips).
Nevertheless, the variety of action is quite breathtaking. You can see girls of all shapes and sizes, together with different ethnicity and love for different things. While some love to get busy with their lesbian lovers, the others would do anything to get a mouthful of semen. Therefore, one thing is for sure, no matter what you might be into, DaGFs has it all!