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Despite its confusing name, is a website filled with a ton of Chinese homemade videos that you can enjoy for free. All of these girls like to be watched as they spread their legs and pleasure their horny boyfriends/husbands.
Here, you can find over 1800 different homemade clips of Chinese couples. They love to put a camera at the weirdest and most basic places as they film their amazing fucking act. On top of that, all of these videos can be viewed in an HD version, but for that, you have to become a VIP member.
There are seven different offers that this site has to offer:
– You can watch 10, 20 and then 30 videos/a day as a Guest (as you lvl up)
– Watch 60 videos/a day for $45/year
– Watch 100 videos/a day for $60/year
– Watch 200 videos/a day for $75/year
– Watch 400 videos/a day for $95/year
With the last four membership offers, you get the offer that was stated, but you can also customize your profile, upload your own videos, comment, and make a favorite playlist. Not to mention that all of these videos can also be watched in HD.
If you understand Chinese, and you would want to learn more about the society of, you have the forum tab. There is a special section that offers only live cam shows of cute Chinese girls, it promotes an online dating site called, and you can also view all of the Chinese movies that they have to offer.
Overall, this is a great place where you can enjoy genuine homemade clips of hot Chinese girls. offers a ton of videos, and if you become a VIP member, you get to watch them in HD, upload your own things, meet other users… etc.