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1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (7 votes, average: 4.29 out of 5)
Official Score6.9
  • Video Quality
  • content
  • design


  • Free clips
  • 2900+ clips
  • Genuine amateur ebony girls
  • Dated design
  • Not everything works
  • Some ads and pop-ups

When talking about quality porn clips that feature only the hottest and most horny black chicks, there is no place better than This is a free website, and most of the videos that you can watch here are genuine homemade clips.

The homepage is fairly simple, and the design is plain, which makes everything easier to understand. Here you will have all kinds of kinky videos suggested, and while they all feature different kinky chicks, they are also all ebony amateur clips. On the left side, there will be a list of 12 different tags by which you can list these clips.

There are over 2900 different clips on this site, and as it was already mentioned, you can watch all of them for free. Below the categories, you will have some of the most popular tags listed as well.

In the ‘Photos’ tab, you will get to list through 55+ different galleries of amateur ebony sluts who like to take selfies or get filmed while having sex. Every gallery can be viewed in a slideshow, and you also get to see who and when were these pictures posted.

Even if you are not obligated to, you have an option to create your account. Besides some annoying ads and pop-ups, is a solid website for those of you who enjoy spending their time with some quality amateur videos of hot black babes.

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