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1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (6 votes, average: 3.33 out of 5)
Official Score8.0
  • Video Quality
  • content
  • design


  • Free to use
  • Upload your content
  • Create a free account
  • Plain design
  • Quality varies
  • Some ads and pop-ups

With a name like, you do not really know what to expect, which is why the BestPornMenu’s review is here to explain all the details of this website. Starting with the simple mention that while the design is not that fancy, and could have been done a bit better, the content of the site works up for it.

When you first visit the site, you might expect to see a lot of weird things, since the site is called “she’s freaky”, however, that is not entirely the case. While there are some scenarios where the beauties will get freaky, the whole purpose of this site is to show you all kinds of hot black chicks or homemade interracial couples.

Another thing to keep in mind is that all of the clips here are homemade videos posted by real amateurs who are members of the site. Yes, this means that you can also create an account yourself! There is no “Sign Up” button, but after you click on the last tab (“My Account”), you will be redirected to a page that allows you to sign up and log in as well.

The registration is free, and with that account, you get a lot of privileges; from being able to personalize your account and upload your own clips, to saving videos and leaving comments. It will cost you nothing, so if you like black amateurs and interracial couples, just make a profile.

Since all of the clips here are homemade videos as it was mentioned, that means that the quality of the clips will vary depending on the user’s camera quality, since we all know that amateur sometimes film with their phone as well.

Every clip will allow you to comment on it, like it, and subscribe to the user who posted it if you are a member of the site. You can also view that users profile if you just click on their name. Their profile will display all of the clips and galleries they have posted, together with the things they have favored. If you want to see all the members, you can just click on the “Community” tab, and you can chat with any of them just by sending a message.

While there are a lot of clips that can be seen here, there are many galleries as well; and just like the clips, the quality and the number of images per gallery all depends on the user who posted them. If you have a specific taste when it comes to your porn collection, do not worry because offers a great category page with over 40 different categories.

The tags range from the casual homemade anal fucking clips to the sexual funny clips that will make you aroused and smiling. You also have the “Playlist” tabs where you can see some of the hottest and most popular playlists that the users of this site have made.

To put it simply, you will enjoy your stay here if you enjoy the sight of big black asses, great ebony chicks, and white sluts drooling over big hard black dicks. So, if that sounds like something that might arouse you, you are more than welcome to visit!

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