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If you are interested in the xHamster website in general, then you should read the other BestPornMenu’s review about that site, because here we will cover the incredible xHamster Arab section. By now, everyone already knows this amazing website, and if you have never heard of it before, it means that you must have just discovered the beauty of the Internet.
Well, xHamster was founded in 2007 and it has over 13 million users and so many videos, that you could not watch them all in your lifetime. However, there is also a special section for everyone, so if you are into Arabian beauties, then you should definitely check out their Arab section.
When you first visit this website, on the left side, you will get to choose the category you want to browse through, and there you will see the ‘Arab’ tag as well. Once you click on it, you will be presented with over 17.000 videos that all feature gorgeous Arabian chicks and couples.
Since laws prohibit pornography in most Middle Eastern countries, here you are mostly going to see amateur couples or solo Arabian girls who like to please themselves and share their content online. However, there is also a small section of Middle Eastern pornstars who work with production companies in the US and Europe.
Every video will have the usual details listed, and you can even download them after you create your free account. Since the registration is free, I suggest you create your account, because not only are you able to download videos, you can also create your own favorites playlist, comment and chat with other users.
Once you become a member of their community, you will also be able to upload your own videos, photos, and stories. xHamster also promotes their original series called the Sex Factor, which is a reality porn show that is in search for a new porn star. The candidates will compete against each other in many different areas until they have a winner.
Overall, for those of you who are here because you love to watch Arabian girls in kinky scenarios, well you have come to the right place. xHamster offers a ton of other categories as well, but they have a huge Arab section that you need to check out.