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  • Free to use
  • Free account
  • Submit your own art
  • Some ads
  • Dated design

After you agree that you are 18yo or older, you will be redirected to an amazing hentai site, called the Simply by reading its name, you know that this is a website dedicated to everything naughty that includes anime chicks.

HentaiFoundry is an online adult art community that allows artists to exhibit their works and discuss other people’s work through their forums and comments. It was launched in 2006, and it was originally designed to accommodate fanart, but original art by their members is always welcome.

There is not much to their design, it was made quite plain and it looks dated, however, that does not mean that the site itself is not good. On you can find a ton of naughty hentai pictures of random anime girls or known anime.

Unlike many other websites, this site offers great filter options when you search for your preferred gallery or image. You can filter the search by genre, violence, nudity, racism, profanity… and many other ways.

On top you will have the usual tabs that will help you navigate through. If you are more interested in the site itself, then you should visit the ‘About‘ page and read the site’s rules and policies. If there is anything else that interests you, there is a FAQ page that will surely help you, and if not, you always have the forum.

However, for you to actually chat with anyone on the site, you will have to create your own free account. Their registration page is quite thural, but after you fill all of the important bits, you will finally be the member of their community. If you are interested in the users that are on this site, there is a special tab dedicated only to them.

Besides the already mentioned filter option, you can browse the given images by categories as well. However their categories are a bit different because you can browse by the name of an anime, game, cartoon, but then you also have the option to browse through them by the original tags (anal, bondage, bukkake…) and misc.

Since there are many members registered on the site, there will also be a lot of submissions every day, and you can browse through them easily. All in all, is a great website for those who enjoy browsing naughty hentai art and for the ones who love to submit their own pictures.

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